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Trauma can present itself in different ways.
Join us as we discuss some of the common ways trauma can show up and provide information and coping resources in this course.

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mindfulness and mental health

The Pillars of TRUST

Learn how mindfulness can impact your life, especially your mental health.
This course is suitable for those interested in mental health, and mindfulness. 

In this course you'll:

Understand vulnerability in your life as you learn to identify ways to own your power in vulnerability.

Identify the impact of mindfulness in YOUR life as you experiment with somatic experiences.

Identify where self-TRUST lacks and practice taking the steps to experience full TRUST.

Understand the role of self-TRUST in your life as you practice implementing realistic coping skills.

Learn to hold yourself accountable for your choices without judgment or self-punishment.

Learn to challenge the lies and stories you tell yourself as you learn to acknowledge all of you.

Are you ready to improve your mental health and well-being?
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